Thursday, January 05, 2006

New Year

The countdown has truly started now. Only two and a half months to go before the first of many flights. It's all starting to hit home now. It was one thing putting a deposit down on the tickets, but when all the Christmas gifts are traveling related you realise there is no turning back. My mind is constantly thinking about the trip, all the details, all the myriad of bits and pieces that have to be dealt with before the great adventure starts. I'm not sure if this is healthy or not, my mind says probably not, but its in my make-up so would be futile to resist. Thinking about traveling for a year is rather daunting, I feel even more so I'm our case, due to the places we are going. There will be no cosy developed countries to regroup in, it will be sensory overload the entire way. One of my main concerns is this burnout and trying to manage it, I think we will gain immense mental strength by getting through it.