Sunday, March 25, 2007

The End

All good things come to an end, and this last year has definitely been a good thing. It's a bit shocking for it all to be over and we are probably still a bit in denial. However, the memories will live forever as they say.
We have seen so many incredible things and met some wonderful people over the last 12 months and feel so fortunate to have been able to experience it all. The inevitable question of 'what was your favourite place?' has already come up, but its exceedingly hard to answer. Just when I think I've got it pegged down I remember something else. As of today this is how I stand, my favourite country was Syria, primarily because the culture is so different and the country so surprisingly beautiful. Also the Syrian people made it for me, they were hands down the warmest people we met on the whole trip. However, the best experience would have to be seeing the mountain gorillas in Uganda, although closely followed by safari and the great wall. I think Leighanne would vote for Malawi, the tiny sliver of a country only recently made famous by Madonna's exploits. Again the people make the difference and especially the children. The children of Malawi are precious and provide some of our fondest memories. For the next few weeks and definitely for years to come we will look back at the times we had together, and although some times where hard and testing the overall experience has been life changing. It has also been great including some of our pictures to give the blog a bit more life. The ones above are a few of my favourites.
On a personal note I'm so glad I have perservered with the blog as it has allowed me to keep a semi-journal for the first time ever. With my inability to write more than a few sentences by hand, being able to put my thoughts and views into cyberspace has been refreshing. I hope everyone who has followed our trip has enjoyed reading our accounts, I apologise for any bastardising of the English language, but hey I'm an Engineer by trade what can you expect. Thank you to everyone who commented, we enjoyed reading them.
Till next time, goodbye.


Blogger The Treachers said...

What a shame there won't be any more blogs to read, but it's fab to have you both back home! (Is there a prize for finally posting a comment?)

3:46 pm  

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