Saturday, December 23, 2006

Superpower People

The Chinese are unique. Think back to the time when you were about 16 years old, that is pretty much how most Chinese adults act at all times. The difference is, where as at 16 years old most people weren't particularly clever, the Chinese are extremely clever. In a short time their country will rule the roost.
Their culture and the way people act in social circumstances is almost completely opposite of how people are supposed to act in 'Western' countries. The most glaring example that everyone knows is the spitting. Now this is not the 'I've got too much saliva in my mouth' type of spit, it is more extract part of your lung and stomach spit. The noise associated with the spitting is my soundtrack of China. Spitting is everywhere, on the street, in the train station, in the train, in the bus, in the restuarant, nowhere is of limits. No wonder every building has tile floors. It is not uncommon to see big globs of spit/chewed food scattered around the floor of restuarants.
The next noticable difference is 'queue' or 'line' etiquette, it simply doesn't exist. With over a billion people populating the country, the queues would be seriously long and time is money. So it's everyone for themselves, your best option is to sharpen your elbows and dive into the fray. It's important to remember that generally you are much bigger then the Chinese, apart from Leighanne, so you have to use your size to your advantage. Plus, the sight of a white person getting stuck in tends to shock the Chinese into inaction.
Other examples are constant burping, clearing nose of mucus without the use of tissues, exceedingly load talking, open mouth eating, etc...
Our ingrained example of Chinese culture is a train trip we took from Yichang to Xi'an. We had a foghorn snoring in one bunk, a chronic burper in the next, and a whole carriage of chain smoking spitting passengers swarming just outside the cabin. Ah the joys of public transport.
All these differences are a little off putting initially, but gain a certain endearing quality as time goes on. Before you know it your starting to join in, if nothing else then to get a reaction. The West will have to start getting used to the sight of more and more Chinese visiting their neighborhoods soon, because they have lots of money and aren't going to lose it anytime soon.


Blogger Bec & David said...

Ben & Leighanne, I love this blog! How hilarious!! I've never been to any of Asia, so; therefore, find your entry facinating! How'd you both cope with all of that revolting spitting, burping, open-mouthed eating....?? I'd have had a heart attack! I can't handle other people's idiosyncrasies at the best of times, let alone being in a situation as overwhelming as that. I'd say you have both had to develop nerves of steel! Even my brother eating at the dinner table is enough to arc me up!!!! LOL.
We'll continue living our travels through your tales and adventures (I'm stuck on the computer at home typing up a uni essay on viruses!).
Much love,
Bec, David & Chelsea xoxoxoxooxx

2:56 am  

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